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    Balancing Part-Time Jobs in College

    In this week’s installment of Ro&Co, Jessie shares her tips for balancing part-time jobs and a challenging academic curriculum. Since I’ve started college, 15 months ago, I’ve worked 7 different jobs, and averaged 20 hours a week. This doesn’t mean I take easy classes; it doesn’t mean I don’t party or hang out with friends; it doesn’t mean I don’t watch Netflix or do yoga; it just means I use my time efficiently. https://www.instagram.com/p/BQuEl_ylWR_/?taken-by=jessiee3344 Balance I split my weekly activities into 3 different categories: Career, Academic, and Personal—and I make sure to make time for all 3. Here is my calendar: career is in blues, academic in greens, personal in…

  • Get This Girl a Job

    Matchmaking in Tinder’s World | S1E1 GTGAJ feat. Emily Polner

    Katie and I are so excited to finally release the first episode of our podcast, Get This Girl a Job! We interview recent college graduates to talk about the steps they took to get their first job in different industries. The questions follow the development of their career from their first year of college, to how their field of study changed, to the internships they had over the summer, to how they got hired for their very first job! We take turns conducting interviews, and every third week, we co-host a mini-episode answering questions from the audience. Matchmaking and Blogging in 2018 Just in time for Valentines Day, in the…

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    Get This Girl an Internship | Ro&Co

    For the third installation of Ro&Co, Katie Melbourne shares the steps she takes to get the coolest internships (like last spring at NASA!!!). If you want to learn more about getting internship and the job search process, check out our new podcast, Get This Girl a Job!! It’s that time of year again…recruiting season! When you’re knee-deep in resumes and career fairs, it may seem like that summer opportunity is just a distant idea. But with consistent organization and the help of mentors, that dream can soon become a reality! Here are my best tips for snagging that perfect position, and what to do once you get there. Reach Out…

  • Wellness

    4 Steps to Actually Making it to the Gym in this Godforesaken Tundra | Ro&Co

    In this week’s installment of Ro&Co, my friend Claire, ex-college athlete and pre-med student, shares her tips for keeping to a workout plan in the winter so you can keep to your New Year’s resolutions! Running during the Winter can be a massive hassle, especially in Chicago. It’s really cold outside and it gets dark before 5 pm so if you want to run, you’re going to end up on a treadmill more often than not. Because treadmill running can get pretty redundant, here are a few of my tips for sticking out the winter months without too much misery or too many skipped workouts. 1. Bring Workout Clothes to…

  • Uncategorized

    7 Tips to Help You Find the Best Internship | Working Woman

    It’s that time of year again!! With finals behind us and the next quarter incoming, winter break is the best opportunity you’ll have all year to get ahead on your internship applications. Here are my top seven tips to keep in mind while you’re looking for your summer internship! Work Backwards Before you start any internship search, you need a vague sense of what you want to do. Start by picking something you think you’d be happy doing after graduation (this doesn’t have to be definite), and then work backwards given how many summers you have left before graduation. If you’re in your second year, then think about the dream…

  • Uncategorized

    6 Steps to Making the Most of Your Winter Break

    Whether you’re finishing your last final or you’ve been on island time since Friday, the warm embrace of winter break is here. The longest span of time you’ll have without needing to pick up a job, winter break can be the most relaxing couple weeks of your whole year. This is how I’ve learned to make the most of my break so I’m ready for the hell of winter quarter. Once fall finals are over, every college student is launched into almost a month of “free time.” Whether it’s your first break back from college or you’re a pro, I’ve found there are a few things you can do to…

  • Life

    For the Working Woman | Festive Favorites

    I am home and finals are over. Victorious as I emerged from the ashes, I have been fully embracing the 25th Hour Lifestyle. It had me thinking about the gifts for the most ambitious women in my life so here is your guide for the Working Woman. You know the Working Woman. She’s always on the go, running at a million miles per hour and a couple steps away from conquering the world. What do you get the woman who never rests? Here are my top 10 gift ideas for the Working Woman in your life! For her Coffee IV Let’s be real, there is always coffee in her hand…

  • Life

    Christmas in Chicago for Under $25 | #RoOnTheGo

    Sometimes, in the rush of finals and getting ready for winter break, it can be easy to forget how absolutely beautiful the holiday season in Chicago can be. Despite how frigid Chicago winters can be, the city goes all out for Christmas so here is my guide to making the most of it for less than $25 in the remaining day or two before you head home! Anyone who has been around me in the last couple weeks knows I have been in full Christmas mode since before Thanksgiving. With so much to take advantage of in the city and the impending doom of finals upon me, I embraced the…

  • Uncategorized

    The 15 Min Stanford Study Hack To Get You That A

    Finals have returned and I can already sense the impending doom. This summer, I read about a study hack that in just 15 minutes could be the difference between a B+ and an A. So this finals season, I am putting it to the test, and hopefully so can you! Finals week is arguably the most stressful period of the quarter and lucky for us, we get three sets of them. With reading period starting and only so many days before the dreaded economics exam, I am always looking for ways to make the most out of the limited studying time. I came across this article about a study by…

  • Life

    For the Health Nut | Festive Favorites

    The holidays are upon us and I could not be more excited. From now until Christmas, there will be a bonus post every Monday! I know with my busy schedule I barely have time to go to the mall, so these are my online shopping Gift Guides. This week we’re kicking it off with goodies for the Health Nut. Here we go! Christmas is fast approaching and finding just the right gift is fun, but can also be incredibly time consuming so these are the 8 best gifts out there for the health nut in your life. Several links in this post are affiliate links, which means that I may…