Get This Girl a Job


You might see some changes around here over the next couple weeks. Here’s a sneak peak of what you can expect and your chance to tell me what you’d like to see here.

With the school year ending in a couple weeks, and my end of year review under way (you know how I like my end of year reviews), I realized that Xoxo, Rosana is very different than the blog I started in 2016. In addition to chronicling my own experimentations in adulthood, over the last 6 months, the amazing women in my life have stepped up to share their own experiences.

The first season of our podcast, Get This Girl a Job, wrapped last week. It was fun for both Katie and I to learn about the career paths of the coolest women we know. I want to do more things like this!

Xoxo, Rosana, as it exists today, doesn’t appropriately hold the blog, the podcast, and the work of my contributors. I need space to pursue creative projects like the podcast, and to hold the thoughtful, often funny experiences that my contributors share.

Under Construction

Over the next couple weeks, you’ll see some changes to this website while we try to create that space. There also won’t be blog posts until we’re ready to re-launch in a couple of weeks.

While we undertake this project, we would love to hear your thoughts about what you’d like to see more of.

Here is the survey for Xoxo, Rosana!

Here is the survey for Get This Girl a Job!

Please tell us what you want to read about and what else you’d like to see. Thank you for your understanding and support while we go through this process.

Hello! My name is Rosana Rabines! I'm a student, stationery enthusiast, and runner constantly reorganizing my life to make the most of my college experience in Chicago.

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