Get This Girl a Job

Matchmaking in Tinder’s World | S1E1 GTGAJ feat. Emily Polner

Katie and I are so excited to finally release the first episode of our podcast, Get This Girl a Job!

We interview recent college graduates to talk about the steps they took to get their first job in different industries. The questions follow the development of their career from their first year of college, to how their field of study changed, to the internships they had over the summer, to how they got hired for their very first job! We take turns conducting interviews, and every third week, we co-host a mini-episode answering questions from the audience.

Matchmaking and Blogging in 2018

Just in time for Valentines Day, in the first episode of Get This Girl a Job, I had the chance to interview Emily Polner, from No Repeats or Hesitations.

Emily left New York City to attend the University of Chicago in 2013. In her first year, she started a fashion blog, and then held internships in marketing and nonprofits before graduating in 2017.

She recently joined a boutique matchmaking firm in Manhattan that allows her to use her sociology and computer science skills to help people find love. She shares her advice for being bold while finding her internships, and staying positive and energetic through the job search.

You can listen to the episode on Soundcloud and iTunes! Please subscribe and rate so that more people can find Get This Girl a Job!

To submit questions to be answered in our joint episode, submit them here!

Or tweet them at me @xoxorosana_blog.

Special thanks to Emily Polner from for sharing her story, and to Stephanie Dorris, who designed our logo.

Hello! My name is Rosana Rabines! I'm a student, stationery enthusiast, and runner constantly reorganizing my life to make the most of my college experience in Chicago.

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